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Message 21 - STAN SOLOMON
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Robb,just wanted to say hi! Don't quit,just don't take shit!Keep on doin' what you do best.....MUSIC!!!!!
8 February 2009 - everywhere.............
Message 22 - Hinton Sheryn
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Brilliant article Robb, are you publishing book?
30 November 2008 - America
Message 23 - Brendan
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Hi Robb. I've just come back from a months holiday in Israel. Absolutely adored the place and want to go back someday. Before I left I went into a record store in Tel Aviv and asked about Israel classic rock. I came out with the Tamouz album (The Orange Season is over - very nice) and the Churchills/Jericho Jones double CD. I really like Sunshine Man (first version), Comics, Subsequent Finale and Debka. A great psychedelia sound with Arabic influences (some of this should have made it onto Nuggets II). Chorale for young lovers left me scratching my head though. Then on the the next CD amid a Led Zeppelin and Beatles cover was a really strong hard rock album called Junkies, Monkeys and Donkeys. My favourite track is 'There is always a train'. So anyway I'm loving this album and then I come across your website and I read with great interest about your Joe Meek years, but in particular your Israel experience. Your'e story is fascinating and I'm really looking forward to the Churchills, Jericho Jones, Jericho story (and yes I'll be hunting down the Jericho CD - you should have called yourself Jericho from the start - its a great name).
10 November 2008 - Australia
Message 24 - Miami Mike
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Where the fuck have you been? Call me you SOB... 954-812-0479. We got to get together before we are both dead. You know I still love ya... (yeah - don't tell Efrat)
30 April 2008 - Sunrise, Florida
Message 25 - naomi
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pride, love, beautiful memories....
15 April 2008
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