was probably a pretty intense experience for most of the guys in the
band as they had never lived away from home before, and in close
quarters with their fellow band members on a day to day basis. I had
gone through this experience myself when Joe Meek had brought the
Saxons up from Gloucester to London where they became the Tornados. I
had gone through the adjustment of not having to clock in and out of
work six days a week, and missing the luxury of living at home, with
mum’s home cooking, my own bed and always having clean clothes to wear.
I was basically living out of a suitcase and staying in all kind of
hovels, dumps and doss houses, so I was accustomed to this way of life;
whereas the rest of the guys were just getting their first taste of it.
Even though Stan had played in the Mystics in Miami he had never been
on tour as most of the Mystics gigs were in the Miami area and the band
would return to their homes after the shows. Up until we left Israel,
Haim, Miki and Ami were living at home with their parents and although
they had not held regular day to day jobs as they were professional
musicians, like Stan, they were always able to come home each night
after their gigs. The following morning we took a walk outside the
Hotel where it was located on the corner of Helgolandsgade and
Istedgade in the center of Copenhagen. We walked across the street and
found a small fast food establishment where we stood up at a counter
and ate a breakfast of egg rolls and mashed potatoes. This place would
be our main supply for our every day meals. There was also a bakery
nearby and a small Chinese take out within walking distance of the
hotel. We also noticed the porno shops with window displays showing
pictures of naked people having sex together. It amazed us to see
mothers with their children passing by with none of them taking any
notice of it.Yehuda
and Danny Ben-Av went out together to see a guy by the name of Birger
Gylling who was a booking agent, band manager and was a part owner of a
few nightclubs in and around Copenhagen. He had also played bass in a
Danish band called the Medley Swingers When they returned they came to
our room. Danny Ben-Av who had just taken a shower was without a shirt
and it was very noticeable that his upper body was covered with thick
hair, all over his chest, back, and arms. I couldn’t help looking at
Miki and Stan and smiling, I said that I didn’t know that the circus
was in town. After telling us about their experiences of the night
before when they had picked up a girl on the street and she had spent
the night with them and neither of them could get an erection, they
told us of their meeting with Birger Gylling. They had almost finalized
an agreement with Gylling to enter into an exchange program involving
Israeli and Danish bands. We would be the first part of this exchange
program and a Danish band called The Beatniks would tour Israel. The
only remaining detail was that Gylling wanted to see the Churchills
play live, which was understandable.
Robb Huxley at
Hotel Peters Copenhagen Denmark '69
Well sombody has to try to keep up with Stan Solomon and his famous "butt" display.
was arranged that the Churchills would play at a gig and that Gylling
would supply the gear and would come to see the band. So we were
auditioning so as to finalize the deal. If Guyling liked the band
everything was go. We were driven over to the gig in a group van by a
young guy called Fleming who played in a band and also worked for
Gylling. It turned out to be a school. We would be playing for 14-16
year olds. We were surprised to see most of the boys strolling around
the school hall smoking tobacco laden pipes and amazed to see Carlsberg
Beer available. We played our first set not knowing what to expect, not
knowing what kind of music the kids liked but realizing that all we
could do was play our stuff and see what happened. We played Hendrix,
The Doors and Cream etc. We had been given some complimentary
Carlsbergs which we had placed on the amps and remembering the Masakha
soda fight incident, it sparked off an idea that for fun we would
pretend to get into a fight and end up throwing beer around. It
started where Stan pushes me to the ground I get up and whack him with
my guitar, he falls to the ground as if unconscious and I pour beer
over him to revive him. Well that’s what we did and with Stan lying on
the floor with his eyes closed I poured a bottle of Carlsberg right in
his face. He may have pretended to have been unconscious when he was
doused with beer but he wasn’t pretending to be choking when he jumped
to his feet. I had poured the beer right up his nose and he was gasping
and complaining but took it in good heart for the good of the band. We
were approached by many of the kids when we left the stage who all
spoke good English. They were all full of questions about where we were
from and they said that they liked our music. Some girls came up to
talk to us saying that they had not heard this type of music before but
they really liked it. Birger Gylling who had arrived just before we
played our set appeared to be all smiles as he talked with Yehuda and
Danny Ben-Av. He had brought along his wife who was very attractive
with long white blond hair. It was said that she was the money behind
Gylling’s business. Ami, who had been talking to Yehuda came up to Stan
and me and told us that Gylling really liked the band and the deal was
The deal was that Gylling would provide the van and the gigs and we
would get paid through him. It would be a couple of weeks until the
Marshalls that still needed to be purchased were delivered so it was
decided that I would return to England and meet Yehuda at the Marshall
factory, select the equipment and spend a little time with my parents
whom I had not seen for close to a year. Back at the hotel I began to
pack for the trip and not wanting to drag my big old battered suitcase
with me I asked Stan if I could borrow his suitcase which was smaller.
He agreed and after he had taken out his belongings I packed some
clothes for the trip. I was also lugging a card board box which held a
couple of glass vases that I had bought in Jerusalem and was going to
give to my mother. I had taken sheets of newspaper which I had rolled
into balls and used them to stop the vases from knocking together. I
promised to bring back some English tea for the band, and Ami dropped
me at the train station in our newly acquired group van.
I would take the train to Rotterdam in Holland which connected with the
ferry which would take me to Harwich. From there I would take the train
to London. It was a long lonely trip, with no one to talk to and too
much time for thinking. The crossing on the ferry was particularly
depressing. It was evening when we pulled into Harwich and I thankfully
picked up my luggage and made my way to the customs area. It felt good
to be on English soil again. After the passport inspection the
customs officer asked me if I was bringing anything into the country
such as gifts and so on. I replied that I was bringing a couple of
glass vases for my mum and everything else was personal property. I was
asked to open up my suitcase, which I did and he proceeded to search
the contents and removed the clothing. Stan’s suitcase had pouches on
the inside that could be used for socks or other small items and upon
the officer’s inspection of those pouches he pulled out two small hash
pipes which belonged to Stan. Putting each one to his nose he took a
few deep sniffs and then asked me what it was that I smoked in them. My
answer was that I didn’t smoke anything in them and that they were
items that I had bought in Jerusalem and were to be given to my parents
to put on their mantelpiece as souvenirs from Israel. He went on to
open up my card board box with the two vases that poked out through the
top and unraveled every single ball of newspaper that I had used for
cushioning the vases. With that search completed I was asked to
accompany the officer to a side room. There I was bodily searched,
pockets, clothing lining, seams and crotch I was escorted back to the
customs table and told to proceed on my way. Although I had figured out
that they were looking for drugs I couldn’t help asking the officer why
he had searched me and the reply was that they randomly searched people
and I was chosen. I packed my stuff away and made my way to the train
which had delayed its departure due to the hold up from the search. I
was the last person to board. It suddenly struck me that I was very
lucky that there had not been any contraband that I was unaware of in
Stan’s suitcase. It was bad enough that I didn’t know that the pipes
had been there. So although I was relieved, I was also shaken when I
began to imagine how it would have changed my life if I had been caught
with something that I didn’t know that I was carrying. I immediately
made my way to the carriage where they had a bar and ordered a couple
of whiskies which I drank in celebration and also to relieve the stress
of thinking about what might well have been.. We pulled into Paddington
Station and I bought a ticket for Gloucester, finally boarding the
train at 1 am. It was the slow train that I had taken several times
before when I was in the Tornados and was going home for a spell. It
stopped at every station to drop off and pick up the mail. It was a
long sleepless night until the train pulled into Gloucester and I
stepped down from the train suitcase and cardboard box in hand at 6 am.
Another hour’s wait until I could get a Taxi at 7 am. "Bloody ‘ell
Joan, its Robert" my dad announced as he opened the front door and my
mum came running into the front passage to greet me. It was good to be
home again and eat home cooking. It was nine months since I left for
Israel. I spent a short but pleasant stay and drank my fair share of
dad’s home made wine and slept again in that little back bedroom that I
had passed my childhood in, I once again stirred in the night to hear
the sound of the freight train far off in the distance passing over
Stroud Road crossing the way I had heard it as a kid just a few short
hours before I used to get up to do my newspaper route. Then the
mournful toll of the church clock bell, up by the park with its message
carried on the wind that it was 3 am. I
met Yehuda who showed up with Haim Saban at the Jim Marshall factory
and Yehuda very nervously purchased the Stacks and the P. A. system.
Saban was there to buy similar gear for the Lions. It was arranged that
the gear would be shipped to Sweden to avoid taxes. With the purchase
complete I made my way to the station and took that long boring journey
once again and returned to Copenhagen where I underwent a "Take Two" at
the Danish customs. I was escorted to a small room for a search of my
personal belongings. Once again the hash pipes were found in Stan’s
suitcase which prompted an intense investigation into the contents of
my luggage. I had two packages of Brooke Bond English tea which I was
bringing for the guys which were opened up and much to my annoyance
were poured out onto the table. When it was discovered that I was not
carrying any kind of contraband I was questioned about my reasons for
visiting Denmark. I explained that I was a musician and was returning
to meet up with my fellow band members who were staying at Hotel Peters
and that we were to be playing gigs in and around Denmark. The customs
official said that he was going to call the hotel and have somebody
from the band come down to the station to confirm my story. He warned
me that if nobody showed up within the hour that I would be put back on
the train and sent out of the country. The official left and locked the
door leaving me in that little room thinking with confidence that
within half an hour or so that my friends would show up and I would be
released. When the allotted hour passed by I began to fear and fully
expected that at any minute I would be taken out and put back on the
train. After a very worrying two hours had passed I heard the key turn
in the lock and the customs official entered. He told me to please
follow him and I was sure that my time was up and that my friends had
not arrived and I was to be sent out of Denmark. However to my great
relief and delight we started to walk in the direction of the exit
where I saw Ami and Stan waiting for me. The customs guy handed me my
passport and told me that I was free to go. His final words to me were
a reminder that I was not allowed to smoke drugs in this country. Ami
and Stan could see that I was a little annoyed at why it had taken them
so long to come to my rescue and listened while I complained about my
harrowing wait in that little holding room. Ami blamed it on Stan
saying that he had insisted on taking a shower, washing and drying his
hair and stopping for breakfast before they came to the station. Back
at the hotel room things looked a bit different. The wardrobe had been
moved over and Haim’s bed had been moved away from the other beds and
pushed up against the wall. Haim had picked up some strange ailment
from somewhere and he had turned purple and had these large blotches
all over his body. He had gone to a doctor who had prescribed some
medicine and lotion as treatment. Haim could not remember exactly what
the doctor’s diagnosis had been; only that it was some kind of "Black
Man’s" disease. He had been advised not to make any physical contact as
it was a contagious condition so the band had insisted that he sleep as
far away from the rest of us until he had recovered. Birger
Gylling had provided the band with a mini bus group van which we used
as our general transport and as we were still waiting for our Marshalls
to arrive we were stuck in the hotel with little to do. One night we
decided to take a look at one of the most popular night spots in
Copenhagen which was the Revolution club. The Danish group the
Beatniks, who would later tour Israel, was appearing there and as we
entered the club they were playing Joe Cocker’s version of the Beatles’
"With a Little Help from My Friends". The lead guitarist whose
name we later found out to be Janne was singing the lead vocal and
using a red Fender Stratocaster. He was getting all the good sounds
from the guitar and we were very impressed with the band, we started to
think that maybe we would have a lot of stiff competition now that we
were finally out of Israel. When I heard the sound of Janne’s Fender
and remembered how much I loved the sound of Hendrix’s guitar I knew
that somehow I should try to get a Stratocaster again which would help
me play more effectively in the Hendrix style. At that time, how could
I have possibly known that at some time in the not too distant future
that I would own that same red Fender Stratocaster that Janne was
playing that night in the Revolution club? We
heard from Birger Gylling that our Marshall amps had arrived and that
his assistant a guy by the name of Fleming would drive us over to
Sweden to pick them up. When Fleming arrived he explained that we
should all accompany him. He said that in order to get the new gear
into the country under the noses of the customs agents none of us
should speak and in fact we should all pretend to be asleep just as if
we are returning from a gig and we’re all tired from the long journey
This we did, and as we drove off the ferry into Denmark with our brand
spanking Marshalls stashed in the back of the van, we all slipped into
a coma. Fleming drove up to the customs agent’s desk and they exchanged
a few words and from the corner off my eye as I squinted, pretending to
be asleep I saw the agent peer into the van from the driver’s window.
He took a quick look and said "Ok" and waved us through. We didn’t even
have to show a passport going in or out of Sweden and Denmark. Back at
the hotel we parked the van outside in the street with all our
beautiful new gear that was just begging to lose its virginity, stashed
in the back. We saw the Beatniks group van parked there too. It was a
big American looking van and looked very impressive. A rehearsal room
had been booked for us by Gylling for the next day. It was just a room
almost like a garage and a band was breaking down the gear after their
rehearsal. When they had just about finished removing their modest
equipment in came the Churchills with their seemingly never ending
stream of Marshall cabinets that was flowing through the doorway. We
saw their eyes popping out of their heads. They must have thought that
we were really some kind of a big band. Little did they know that we
had not yet played on that gear and only a short time ago we had played
on the same modest style gear that they had. While I was in England the
band bought two little distortion attachments that you plugged into the
guitar input, one for me and one for Haim.The unit was like a small
black plastic box with a jack plug sticking out of it. There were also
two little controls one for volume and one for distortion. Having set
up the gear we switched on our amps and began to explore the properties
of a 100 watt Marshall Stack. Haim and I tried out our new distortion
boxes and we all spent quite a while fiddling and messing around until
at last Stan, who had nothing to do but test the mikes which were fine,
said "C’mon guys let’s run through a number already, enough of this
bullshitting around’! We started with Love Me Two Times, which we
followed with other Doors numbers and it was quite clear that the band
sounded like it had never sounded before. The power of the Marshalls
together with the distortion boosters and the great P.A. system brought
about a feeling of confidence and well being within the band. It was
not hard to imagine that we were on our way to success and victory. The
distortion boxes didn’t last long though, they soon crapped out and we
got rid of them. We found it was much preferable to turn the Marshall
all the way up to number 10 and get the real distortion, feed back and
sustain. It looked like all the pieces were fitting into place. We had
gotten a few visits from some Israeli guys that had heard that we were
in Copenhagen and they had graciously brought us some Lebanese Red for
our smoking pleasure. Another blessing was that you could buy cigarette
papers in Denmark; in Israel they were illegal and you couldn’t get
them anywhere.We
played our first gig in a place called Middlefart which we all laughed
about as the name of the town sounded like a fart in the middle of
somewhere. It was a club called Sex Lobren. With all the pornography we
had seen on the streets in the sex shops and the reputed sexual freedom
that we had heard about, we automatically thought that we would be
appearing at some kind of sex club. On our arrival we pulled up outside
the club and noticed that the outside décor consisted of signs
depicting Wild West cowboy scenes. We later found out that in Danish
Sex Lobren meant Six Gun so that explained everything. The audience was
mostly made up of teenagers in their late teens. They were by no means
shy and they often came up to talk to us. They all spoke very good
English and were full of questions about us and our music. The girls in
particular were very pretty and had that natural look that comes with
wearing very little or no makeup. Everyone was polite and nobody became
a nuisance. They either danced or stood and watched us when we played.
Nobody called out asking for pop tunes, nobody came up to the stage and
pulled on your trouser leg to get your attention and nobody threatened
to beat you up if you didn’t play something they knew. It was a
good feeling and great experience to be able to play whatever you
wanted to people who appreciated it and not be heckled by the crowd.
The Churchills now had their first paying gig outside of Israel under
their belt and it had been a success.
Stan Solomon, Robb Huxley, Miki Gavrielov (photos), Ami Trebich
Churchills in Aarhus, Denmark 1969..... Don't remember the names of the girls.

weeks began to pass by and the Churchills started fitting in with the
Danish scene. We ate at the fast food joint across the street every
day, learning the names of the foods, the hot dogs and egg rolls,
mashed potatoes with fried onions, and the French fries that were made
from a potato paste that was pushed through holes in a cylinder with a
lever until the desired length was achieved and then with the flick of
another lever they we cut off and fell directly into the hot oil of the
fryer below. Now and then we would walk up to the Chinese Take Out and
watch through the little serving window to see our sweet and sour pork
get heated up in a micro wave oven. There was always plenty to eat on
the streets as every block or so you would find a kiosk or hot dog
cart. You could get two long, thin, red sausages served on a piece of
paper with two small bread rolls and a splotch each of mustard and
ketchup. It went down very well on a cold autumn day in Copenhagen. The
bakery too had its pleasures. The Danish pastries were excellent and
the girls behind the counter were charming and spoke to us in English
just like almost everybody else did. One day Haim and I entered the
bakery and one of the girls asked us if we were together, to which Haim
replied with a mischievous smile that we were always together. It got a
good laugh from the girls. We were playing regularly and
got paid each week by Birger Gylling. We got to know the hotel
employees quite well. There was a young guy by the name of Stelland who
worked at nights and an old guy who was drunk all the time. We used to
watch him walk along the corridor, swaying from side to side. I had
eventually gotten around to writing to Efrat. She was often on my mind
and I fantasized about what it would be like to see her again when we
returned to Israel. I decided that I would save as much money as I
could and would buy gifts to take back for her. I told her a little
about what is was like in Denmark and how I was doing. I told her I
missed her and promised that I would return to her. She had given me a
portable electric device that was used to heat up water or liquid. She
said it belonged to her father. It was like a heating element on a cord
that you plugged into an outlet then stood it a container of water and
pretty soon you’d have boiling water. We made tea, boiled eggs and even
heated up cans of soup in this way. We kept our milk outside on the
window ledge near my bed. At that time of year it was always cold
outside and it acted as our refrigerator.
guys were picking up chicks easily and regularly. Haim and Ami would
suddenly show up with a couple that they had just seen downstairs
outside the hotel. Obviously there is no privacy when five guys live
all together in one room for several months so all kind of sexual
activities were performed in public. We all slept at pretty close
quarters so it was hard to ignore it. Stan had sex with a chick right
there in his bed beside mine and as it was early evening we were all
awake and I was sitting in bed strumming my guitar. My aimless
strumming became influenced by the activity taking place and developed
into an accompaniment to the "Ooohs and Aaaahs". Apart from the sounds
of pleasure and my musical backing it was very quiet in the room
as the Churchills all sat back to enjoy my recital of "The Song
of Sex" in A Minor. The gradual build up to the climax was very much
enjoyed by the audience. Ami picked up a chick and was fascinated to
find out that she had a tattoo on her arm. He claimed that he had sex
with her five times that night but none of us could remember hearing
anything.. However he was soon down at the clinic to get "The Cure"
which was free. All the Churchills with my exception had to get treated
for venereal disease. That was because I did not really partake in the
groupie/sex thing although I did participate once or twice in group
sessions. It was The Churchills Five on one, but I did that mainly to
save face. After we had all had sex with her the grateful young lady
left and returned with Chinese food for us all, and it was much better
quality than what we could afford.One
afternoon we drove over to Birger Gylling’s office to pick up our
money. He told us that one of the gigs we would be playing that week
was in the city of Aarhus which is the second largest city in Denmark.
name of the venue was called Box 72. It was quite a trek to get there
which involved a long ferry trip across that black rolling sea to the
peninsula of Jutland of which Aarhus is the principal port. We played
there a few times while on the tour and it soon became our favorite
place to play. The audience was young and just like at other gigs that
we played the kids were eager to talk to us and they were full of
questions. It was such a pleasure to have them come up to us and tell
us that they had never seen a band like us before. They particularly
liked the Doors numbers as they recently had seen the Doors appear on
Danish television. When we played our new versions of songs such as the
Beatles’ Strawberry Fields Forever where Stan went into a screaming
monologue in the middle part just like a deranged lunatic who had
escaped from the asylum, the crowd showed a definite interest and their
appreciation was reflected in their applause. It was a big change from
being back in the home land where music and arrangements such as this
would be received with heckling, gesticulations and verbal complaints.
The Churchills reveled in the freedom of self expression. New songs
that we were beginning to write such as Straight People were also
received enthusiastically. The highlight of the evening was when some
local girls took us to the back door of a bakery close to Box 72 in the
early hours of the morning where we bought and indulged in hot Danish
pastries that had just been taken out of the oven. We washed them down
with some of that great Danish chocolate milk. We were also invited by
some local Danish lads to join them for a smoke which turned out to be
a kind of smoking competition. It was a pretty picture to see the five
Churchills sitting across the table from an equal amount of Danish guys
who showed us the ritual of preparing a stone chillum with tobacco and
hashish. Having partaken in a few chillum’s it was time for us to
demonstrate to them how to construct an Israeli "Pagaz". Ami obliged by
showing his expertise in creating a large conical joint with an extra
long filter. When completed, in a flamboyant move, Ami threw it against
the wall to show the strength of the construction which was confirmed
when the joint hit the wall fell to the floor and remained intact. The
long filter which was made out of a cigarette pack was then covered
with foil and stood in a glass of water. By holding the joint between
the little and third finger and the hand cupped over the glass with a
small opening left it was possible to inhale the smoke which was
filtered through the water. The operation was similar to smoking a
water pipe or bong and received great acclaim from our Danish smoking
competitors who admitted that they had never seen this method before.
The Churchills could hold their own in any kind of a smoking contest
and we all finally said goodnight to our Danish competitors with the
knowledge that we had won the respect of our hosts and rivals. Ami Trebich, Robb Huxley, Miki Gavrielov
The Churchills hanging out after the show Aarhus Denmark '69.
afternoon as Stan and I were leaving the hotel to get something to eat
we heard the sound of American voices in the hallway and as we turned
the corner we almost bumped into to two guys. We said hello and seeing
that we spoke English they struck up a conversation with us. We found
out that they were partners in a business that was putting on a
festival of music featuring several Danish bands in a large indoor
arena. We told them that we played in a band and were from Israel and
were working in Denmark for a few months. The main talker was a guy
named David and when his partner left for his room David invited Stan
and me to have a chat with him. David’s room was down at the end of the
hallway near the Churchills’ room. We sat down and he asked us if we
would like a smoke and we took him up on his offer. To our amazement he
brought out a packet of cigarettes, a Rizla rolling machine and what
looked like a plastic ketchup squeeze bottle. Predicting our surprise
he went on to explain that he had found a way to liquefy hashish by
combining it with liquid speed. He said it was great for traveling as
customs officials were unaware of what the bottle really contained
thinking it was some kind of steak sauce which it closely resembled. He
said that he found the combination of the hash and speed to give a good
high as it didn’t cause that dopiness and kept you alert. He squeezed
an amount of it onto the tobacco in the rolling machine and rolled it
up. As we enjoyed our smoke David was sorry to tell us that all the
final booking arrangements had been made for the festival and he would
have liked to have had us play but it was too late. Any way he gave us
free tickets for the band so we could attend the Festival. As it
happened the day of the festival we had a gig too but as it was a full
day festival we were able to take a look in the afternoon before we
left to play. It was a huge arena inside and was totally packed with
people. There were about five free standing stages dotted around the
arena each one with a band playing on it. At certain areas where you
stood you could hear all five bands playing at once which was weird to
say the least. It looked like most of the people there were stoned out
of their minds so they probably enjoyed the sounds of five bands all
playing at once. We were not really impressed by any of the bands that
we saw in the short time that we were there but that was the afternoon
so there may have been better bands at night. As for us we weren’t
really disappointed that we didn’t play there as the general scene
seemed chaotic and disorganized. We later found out from David that the
festival although poorly organized still made a lot of money. A few
weeks later David’s partner disappeared and all the proceeds of the
festival disappeared with him. One good thing did come out of our
meeting with David and that was that he invited us to play at a house
where his partner had moved to out in the countryside. There would be a
dozen or so people there who had been involved with the music festival
and so we asked Stelland, from the hotel if he wanted to come with us
and direct us to the location. He was off that night so he agreed and
taking the front seat alongside of Ami he guided us to our destination
which was in the middle of nowhere. There were no street lights of
course so it was hard to see anything and at one point we thought that
Stelland had misdirected us. Eventually at the end of what seemed to be
an endless dark road we saw a light glimmering in the distance which
turned out to be the house that we were looking for. Our hosts gave us
a warm welcome and helped us get our gear into the house. We decided
that we would set up in the lobby of the house just inside the front
door. There was hardly any room to move once we got the three Marshall
stacks, drum set and the sound system inside. Hash joints that had been
dipped in some of David’s speed solution were plentiful and were in
circulation. Our audience sat in the living room with their chairs
facing us in the lobby. So with everyone including the Churchills and
Stelland feeling in a euphoric state we tuned up and at full blast with
the amps on number ten we launched into Manic Depression by Hendrix. At
the close of the song our small audience shouted, screamed, whooped and
hollered as they were totally blown away. They had never seen a band
play anything by Hendrix before. It was the same reaction that we got
after everything that we played and when we finally ended up with our
version of Wake Me Shake Me by the Blues Project in which Haim and I
played solos simultaneously, the audience erupted into a huge applause.
David said that if only we could have played at the festival we would
have stolen the show. We put down our instruments and partook in some
of the Elephant Beers that were offered us and generally talked to the
hosts and their guests. We noticed that there was a four track recorder
there which David was messing with and after he had rewound it he said
take a listen to this. At first the music sounded familiar and it
sounded very good, then we realized that we had been recorded. It was
the Churchills, and upon hearing the tape, this time we were blown
away. We could not believe that it was us but it was and we sounded
awesome. We all sat back, drank a few beers and bathed in the glory of
hearing ourselves play live as we had never heard ourselves play before.We
were often visited by Israeli guys that were friends of friends and
among them was a guy called Kaslan. Although Stan and I could not
understand what he was talking about we could tell by the way he talked
that he had a sleepy and lazy demeanor. Sometimes he showed up with a
guy called Uzi who usually had some smoke for us. When we asked how we
could be supplied he pulled out a block of Lebanese Gold and said that
he wanted 80 Kroner for it and we could pay him on his next visit to
us. After we said goodbye to Uzi and Kaslan Stan said that we could all
smoke for free and proceeded to cut off about a third of the block
which he then cut into 8 equal pieces. Most places we went and also at
our gigs we were always approached, if not bombarded by guys asking
"Hey man do you have any hash, do you have any shit man?" It
almost seemed that everybody was looking for hashish. So Stan said that
in no time at all we could get the 80 Kroner to pay Uzi and smoke the
rest for free. The next lunch time Stan and I with our product in a
small tin box took a walk down to the station. Stan positioned himself
in an inconspicuous corner, he was the fisherman and I was the bait. We
agreed that I would walk through the station and bring back customers
and while Stan was providing the product I would start on a second
walk. Copenhagen station was a pretty busy place and almost immediately
I started getting hits. They always asked in English "Do you have any
shit man?" The first cast of the fisherman brought in three bites, the
second two bites and the third another three bites which cleaned us
out. The word must have spread fast as even as Stan and I were walking
out of the station we got another two or three requests to which Stan
replied with regret, "We’re all sold out man". Time
passed and as we got into December signs of Christmas began to appear.
The weather began to get very cold and as we sometimes took a walk down
to the bakery or to buy a hot dog from one of the street vendors the
temperature as displayed on a local bank building read minus eleven
degrees. Christmas lights and Christmas trees began showing up all over
and I chuckled as I walked past the porno shop to see the pictures of
the sex movies placed around a Christmas tree in the window display
surrounded by flashing lights; "Merry Fuckin’ Christmas!" It was also
nice to open up the window in our hotel room, feel that blast of ice
cold wind and grab the carton of milk from the window sill and take a
swig It was the first time that Miki, Haim and Ami had been in that
kind of cold temperature and it was the first time that they had seen
Christmas trees and lights. Miki was always very interested and wanted
to know about a lot of things. We would often talk about religion and I
would explain the meaning of Christmas trees and the birth of Jesus and
Miki was surprised to see how much I knew about the Old Testament as he
said it was "their" bible. I explained that as Christians we studied
the Old and New Testament. Ami got into teaching me Hebrew and how to
read and write it. We would sit around sometimes in the evening, each
guy in his bed and listen to the Blonde on Blonde album by Bob Dylan
and the Blues Project live album on the little portable record player
that Boris had bequeathed to us before he left Israel. That little
player gave us hours of pleasure. We had no television to watch which
didn’t bother the Israeli guys as TV did not exist in Israel at that
time anyway. Haim would often entertain us and play the riff of Love Me
Two Times by the Doors on his guitar using his right hand and his left
foot. He would fret the notes with his big toe.
 |  |
Hotel Peters Christmas 1968. Copenhagen Denmark left to right: .Miki Gavrielov, Stan Solomon, Ami Trebich, Robb Huxley | Haim Romano, Robb Huxley, Stan Solomon, Miki Gavrielov, Ami Trebich The Churchills having fun with some kids in the snow in Copenhagen Denmark '69. It's difficult to make out Stan but he is standing just behind Robb Huxley .......... |

guys living in one room for several months was not always a perfect
situation and was affected by the normal stress of every day life. As
the bathroom was down the hall we all got lazy and every body began
pissing in the sink instead of making the trek down to the toilet. It
got to a point one day when Miki declared that from that day on there
would be no more pissing in the sink. That lasted a day or so then we
all continued to piss in the sink again. Every body began to complain
to Ami about his farts and Stan told him it was from all the hot dogs
he ate but Miki maintained that it was the milk that he was drinking.
Once when Haim fell asleep on his bed Ami delighted in giving him a
sharp slap in the face and when Haim sat up, totally disoriented not
knowing what happened Ami told him to wake up and berated
him for being asleep. One evening as Stan sat on his bed eating a
Danish Ami in a very sarcastic tone asked Stan if he could just have a
little bit of it. "You want a bit of this, here take it" and Stan
hurled the Danish across the room hitting Ami square in the nose.
Although just a little upset about the way he received his bit of
pastry Ami still smiled a sheepish grin, said "Thank you" and proceeded
to eat the Danish. As our beds were so close together, virtually
touching, it was not at all unusual for Miki and me to wake up staring
into each others eyes with our noses only inches apart. We would smile
at each other and then burst out laughing.
little after Christmas we began to have problems getting paid. Gylling
may have been having some money troubles and there had been a sudden
drop in work for us. When we went over to his office Gylling gave us
little or no money and we were politely told not to worry, next week I
will pay you your money. The weather was very cold with snow falling
and the wind blowing it into drifts. We all sat around for days in that
room together with nothing to do. There was no point in going out
anywhere; we were flat broke to the point that we had no money to eat.
There was a menu on the table in our room which offered various foods
that were available from the kitchen upstairs. It consisted mainly of
canned goods that whoever was on duty at that time would simply heat it
up and bring it down to the room. In better times we had occasionally
ordered soup, baked beans on toast or a bowl of spaghetti in tomato
sauce. We would call in the evening and order some food and about ten
minutes later the old drunk guy who worked there on nights would
stagger into our room with the tray of food. How he never spilled the
soup was a miracle. As we stared hungrily at the menu just trying to
imagine what it would be like to eat some hot food, we all searched
through our pockets and came up with barely enough change to order a
bowl of soup which we agreed to share. As Miki was about to pick up the
phone to place the order Ami said "Wait a minute" he said that when he
was wandering about upstairs he saw where they stored the canned foods.
He suggested that when the drunken guy came down with the soup we would
detain him as long as possible to give Ami enough time to run upstairs
and raid the food cupboard. The night guy staggered in with the soup
and Ami made a fast exit while we started to engage the guy in
conversation. We had scraped the coins up off the table and we had
divided them between ourselves so when we got around to paying we all
took our time searching through our pockets and counting out the money
a couple of times hoping to have given Ami time enough to succeed in
his mission to feed the starving. Shortly after the night man left Ami
arrived with three tins of soup and a cheerful smile. We poured them
into the large empty orange juice jar and I took the heating element
that Efrat had given me and we warmed up the soup. One by one we took
of our share as we had only one soup bowl and one spoon. The enjoyment
that we got from our meager meal somehow diminished the feelings of
guilt that we had knowing that we had eaten stolen food. Haim for some
reason didn’t want any of the soup.The
following day it was the same. We were just hanging around. We passed
the time playing our guitars and working out songs, I wrote a letter to
Efrat, and Miki and I got into one of our long conversations where we
started talking about music which somehow ended up with us discussing
stories in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ. As the day wore on Haim
grew restless and said that he was going out for a walk and left. After
a few minutes Ami said that he thought that for sure Haim had some
money stashed somewhere and that he was probably out eating something
as we spoke. Without thinking twice Ami pulled out Haim’s suitcase from
under the bed and after a quick search he held up a $100.00 bill and
confirmed that he was correct and that he would confront Haim about it.
When Haim returned Ami proceeded with his interrogation asking Haim
where he had been, what was he doing and had he been out eating? Haim
answered saying that he had been out to see if he could pick up a chick
and take a walk. When Ami told Haim that he wanted to smell his breath
Haim’s reply was "What are you fucking crazy?" Ami then proceeded to
put it to Haim that he had some money hidden away and immediately
pulled out the suitcase and held up the $100.00 to show everybody.
"That’s only for an emergency" Haim said and Ami came back with "This
is a fucking emergency, we have no money and nothing to eat". Haim
ended up lending the rest of us some money so we could walk across the
street and indulge in Frankfurters, egg rolls and mashed
potatoes. Haim was repaid a day or so later when we finally got
paid by Gylling. Luckily we always got paid on time after that and had
no further problems with money.We
had noticed some posters going up that were advertising a concert with
the Jimi Hendrix Experience topping the bill. They were being supported
by an act called Jethro Tull who we had never heard of before and
didn’t know if it was a solo artist or a band. Stan, Haim and I bought
tickets for the show. Hendrix was to appear at the Tivoli Auditorium.
We were bitterly disappointed when we found out that we had to play a
gig in Copenhagen that same night and it looked like we would only be
able to see part of the show but we had already bought the tickets so
we had to make the most of it. The house was full and at show time,
without any kind of introduction, the curtains opened to show a
guitarist, drummer and bass player onstage. They were then joined by
what looked like a long haired, long bearded, homeless looking guy
dressed in an old overcoat, sneakers and tights. He carried a flute in
his hand. Stan and I looked at each other wondering what kind of
character this was and what could we expect in the way of music from
what appeared to be a rock band with a weird looking old man playing a
flute? We soon found out when they launched into their first number. We
were greatly impressed when we heard the music and saw who we later
found out to be a guy by the name of Ian Anderson standing on one leg
for most of the set and really wailing away on the flute and singing
with a kind of old fashioned English folk style voice. The music was a
mixture of rock, jazz and folk and we had never seen or heard anything
like it before. So this was Jethro Tull. On our return to Israel we
managed to get hold of Tull’s first album and listened to it regularly.
By the end of their set Haim, Stan and I and the whole audience were
blown away by Jethro Tull’s act and we were now eagerly waiting to see
the guy who had changed the way an electric guitar was played and would
go on to influence the Churchills music in many ways. During the
intermission the auditorium was buzzing with conversation. You could
feel the excitement in the air which was full of talk on how great the
opening act had been and the anticipation of what was to come from the
Jimi Hendrix Experience. A hush fell upon the crowd as the sound of a
guitar being tuned up at a very high volume bled through the curtains.
"That must be Hendrix" Stan said as he gave me a glance with an almost
nervous smile. My heart raced knowing that I was about to witness the
musician who’s first album I had bought in England not long before the
Tornados left for Israel in December of 1967. The Are You Experienced
album had definitely changed my life. Again there was no introduction
and the curtains were unceremoniously drawn apart to reveal The
Experience. Hendrix looked skinny and colorful in his red flared pants
and psychedelic shirt. Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell were no longer
sporting their Afro hair styles. Their hair was long and straight and
hung down way past their shoulders. They were also dressed in colorful
psychedelic style clothing. As the applause from the crowd died down
Hendrix continued to tune up his guitar. He and Noel Redding were each
standing in front of a wall of four Marshall stacks the sight of which
made us feel that our Churchills’ gear was a humble set up compared to
this. Hendrix walked in front of his stacks as if trying to select the
best position in which to stand to get a certain effect that he wanted
to achieve. As the audience waited in complete silence we heard him say
"Yeah that’s it" and he started to create the feed back sound that I
immediately recognized to be the opening of Foxy Lady. I felt goose
bumps all over my body as the powerful riff of that number which I had
listened to and tried to copy penetrated the auditorium with such
tremendous force that the audience appeared to be frozen in their seats
as their virgin ears were immediately overwhelmed by the Titanic roar
of Hendrix’s Fender. When Hendrix launched into the vocal his voice was
completely inaudible. Just like the band before them The Experience was
using the house sound system which was fine for Jethro Tull but it
seemed that it was not powerful enough to support the high volume of
The Experience. I had listened to The Experience album countless times
and was very familiar with the solos and breaks and noticed that
Hendrix played them completely different for the most part nothing like
the originals. At the end of Foxy Lady which was totally void of any
audible vocals, Hendrix who appeared to be extremely agitated shouted
to somebody in the wings to "Turn the fuckin’ sound system up" During
the next few numbers Hendrix’s vocals were audible but only barely and
it was obvious that the system was not powerful enough. Even so this
did not seem to bother the audience as they answered each number with
great enthusiasm and applause. It was clear to see though, that Jimi
Hendrix was not happy and continued to complain about the sound and
even chastised Mitchell and Redding intermittently. He changed guitars
and picked up a white Epiphone for his rendition of Red House which up
until that time was the best number as the vocals actually cut through
and could be heard. Once again it was a completely different rendition
of the version I was used to listening too. In the wake of Red
House it seemed that he was abandoning the vocals and was continuing to
play instrumental jams. In the middle of what was turning out to be a
great jam session I nervously checked my watch and it was time for us
to leave. I looked across at Haim and Stan and pointed to my watch. The
three of us with obvious disappointment stood up with great reluctance
and in order to savor every last single note of the music, walked out
of the auditorium backwards in a salute to the undisputed king of the
guitar. The sound of Hendrix’s wailing guitar faded away as we made our
way out through the foyer. We just hoped that nobody had interpreted
our early departure as a sign that we had not enjoyed the show. Even
with the lack of an appropriate sound system it had still been an
awesome experience. That was the first and last time that I saw Hendrix
and Jethro Tull. It was an experience that I and my fellow band members
will never forget. About a year later Hendrix was dead. We met Miki and
Ami at the "rinky dink" little club that we were to play in that night
and what an anti climax it was after our pilgrimage to see Hendrix. It
was a really weird place which consisted of a long extremely narrow
hall. The stage was situated at the end of the hall but instead of it
facing down the hall it was facing across the room so that when you
were playing you were looking at a solid wall which was barely fifteen
feet away. Although Haim, Stan and I were still full of the great
experience that we had just witnessed this gig was a complete downer.
We played our first set which was highly influenced by our Hendrix
stimulation to a totally empty room. As we left the stage the club
owner approached us with the news that we were fired and he was
refusing to pay us. His complaint was that we were far too loud and he
no longer needed us to play the rest of the night. Miki and Ami blamed
it all on Stan, Haim and I stating that we had been carried away by the
Hendrix show and it was our entire fault. We disagreed with the reason
that we got fired claiming that it was actually because the club was
empty due to the fact that everybody was at the Hendrix concert. We
were pissed knowing that we had sacrificed half of a Jimi Hendrix
concert in order to play one set in an empty club and then get fired.
We should have just played hooky and not showed up for the gig.One
afternoon Stan and I bumped into a couple of guys in the hallway of
Hotel Peters. They looked like they were in their early twenties and
judging by the way they dressed Stan and I got the opinion that they
were probably French. They asked us where we were from and what we did
for a living. After hearing that we were in a rock band they asked if
they could come to our room and have a smoke with us and the rest of
the band. This seemed to be the custom in Denmark at that time. Ami,
Haim and Miki were hanging out in the room when we entered with our new
acquaintances. We noticed that Miki and Ami were eying our visitors and
we explained that we had just met them in the hallway and that they
were from France. The "French Guys" quickly corrected us stating that
they indeed did speak French but they were actually from Lebanon and
also spoke Arabic. At that point Ami and Miki looked at each other and
immediately began to converse in Hebrew between themselves and the
Lebanese guys took immediate notice and asked me what language they
were speaking. "They are from Israel and they speak Hebrew" I replied.
All of a sudden Stan and I realized that we had brought enemies of
Israel into our room and could only imagine what the outcome could be.
The Lebanese smiled and said "That’s ok we are neighbors, why don’t we
all share a smoke together?" and one of them pulled out a large joint
and offered it to Miki. Miki shook his head and said "No thank you" and
refused. Stan and I began to feel uncomfortable and tried to persuade
the Israelis to partake in the offer but they still refused. Stan
politely accepted the joint from the Lebanese and said "Robbie and I
will smoke with you" and pulled out his lighter and lit it up. We
passed it around and once again offered it to Miki and Ami but they
still refused. Haim sat quietly on his bed and decided to stay out of
the conversation. At one point Miki had an idea and he pulled out
Haim’s camera and was about to take a shot of the rest of us sharing
the joint which did not go down well with the Lebanese who said
"Please, no pictures". Stan told Miki that it was not a good idea and
although Miki stated that he just wanted to take a shot of Jews and
Arabs smoking together he decided to take Stan’s advice and put the
camera away. Soon after that our visitors left but told Stan and I that
there was somebody that they wanted us to meet the next day. We agreed
and made arrangements to meet them in their room. The following day at
our meeting they introduced us to an older Arab who looked like a
businessman and the conversation got around to finding out that they
had fifty Kilos of Hashish that they wanted to sell. They wanted to
know if Stan and I could set them up with prospective customers. We
agreed to try but decided to leave hurriedly as we did not want to be
involved in any way. We never saw them again.Toward
the end of January 1969 we heard from Birger Gylling’s office that
Yehuda Talit had called from Israel. Gylling and Talit agreed that it
was now time to end the Churchills’ stay in Denmark and that
arrangement was being made for the band to return home in the beginning
of February and that a deal was in the works to send a Danish band
called the Beatniks to do a tour of Israel. We decided that it was time
to purchase some gifts for our girlfriends in Israel and we paid a
visit to Norreport, a suburb of Copenhagen, to browse around the many
clothing shops that were located there. During the past month I had
saved as much money as possible from my weekly pay to buy some things
to give my girlfriend Efrat upon my return to Israel. Luckily at that
time in Denmark clothing was not so expensive and I was able to buy
quite a few articles for her that included a pair of black lace up
boots and various items of apparel. On the 9th February we were
all packed and ready for our return trip. Gylling gave us our train
tickets to Naples and from there we would sail back to Israel. Fleming
drove us to the station where we had the huge task of getting all of
our equipment on to the train. What with our suitcases we also
had our guitars, Ami’s drums, six Marshall Cabinets together with the
three amp heads, The two Marshall P A speakers together with the P A
amp, mikes, mike stands and cables. It was the usual boring trip back
down to Naples but at least we did have a compartment together for the
entire trip. At one point in Italy we were joined by an Italian
business man who came in and sat down looking rather nervous to be
surrounded by a bunch of long haired musicians. We soon made him feel
at home and Haim got out his guitar and we sang "O Sole Mio" to him. It
was the same arduous task again when we arrived in Naples. We had to
lug all the gear to the customs where we were once again faced with the
problem of taking musical equipment out of the country. It was just the
same thing that happened when I came to Israel with the Tornados and
the French ripped us off and took all our money. As we did not have the
appropriate documents the customs officer insisted that we had to pay
1,000,000 Lire in order for him to release the gear. We explained that
we did not have any money, which was true as we had spent everything we
had before leaving Denmark. We all turned our passports over to him and
he proceeded to inspect them and asked who is Solomon and grunted, who
is Gavrielov and grunted, who is Huxley and grunted, who is Trebich and
grunted and who is Romano? "Ah! Romano, who is Romano? Haim stepped
forward and said that it was he. "Romano" exclaimed the officer and
smiled "Romano, ok Romano, go ahead" and he returned our passports and
waved us through. We were very lucky that the officer seemed to like
the name Romano as usually they would try to get from you whatever they
could. It was a true miracle and all thanks to Romano.