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Message 1 - Derek Stocker
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Hello Robb, being of a "certain" age I remember Telstar and the music of the time VERY well, I was very honoured to recently meet Pete Holder and Pete very kindly gave me a copy of your book and he signed it for me. I have today 19/6/2017 finished reading the book Robb and found it absolutely superb, in fact could not put it down. I am hoping to see and looking forward to the rest of the story as I am sure many are. Well done Robb, wonderful read and wonderful piece of British music history.
19 June 2017 - Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex.
Message 2 - Sergey
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I found out not long ago about the children's album you released with Arik Einstein around 1970 or 1971 and was wondering about it. The album itself is nowhere to be found, and songs from it don't even feature in compilation albums (though I suspect one song later recorded for the Lool TV show - "The man on the turtle" - actually comes from that album, am I right?) Anyway, I'm curious about it, and am wondering whether you can tell a bit about that lost chapter of the story on your site, and maybe make songs from that album available to the public somehow.
24 December 2012 - Israel
Message 3 - Dvir Yitzchaki
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You have some great stories, I'm amazed how you can remember all this considering the you were high half the time. I'm waiting to buy the book and maybe see you reunite with Miki, Haim and Danny on a show here in Israel. (I saw them with Ami on a Led Zeppelin tribute and they were fantastic).
14 November 2012 - Israel
Message 4 - nick ridgway
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onbehalf of Hinton Sheryn... Hi Robbie. Not sure if you rember me, from the time I spent with you and the boys at the Windmill , Gt. Yarmouth. Reading your excellent maxi book. I thought you should know, those two "Corboys" at Joe's funeral were Ranblin; Mal Daren and Dean Pawley who came up from Bridgewater, both recorded for Joe,late on, but Joe sent tapes to BBC for a possible radio show for them, I tried in vain years ago to get the tapes back from the BBC, for them, but they had no record of them. I was at the funeral with Glenda Collins and I seem to remember seeing The Honeycombs at the back of the Church...please stay in touch Robbie...always be good to hear from you every little once in a while..Take care..Best Wishes..Always..Hinton J. Sheryn
10 November 2011 - Plymouth Devon
Message 5 - Ra'anan Chelled
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Hi Robb, Glad to see an update to The Churchills story. I interviewed Miki several years ago for a book I was writing and this is what he had to say regarding Haim's mysterious skin illness in Denmark: "We were in Denmark, where free sex was a pretty accepted concept, and Haim Romano, who like his name loved romances, got infected with a really weird skin rash. It took a lot of convincing to get him to see a doctor and when he came back from him he told us there was nothing to worry about, everything is fine and he only needs to rub some black ointment on his body for a few days. We all were relieved and glad that the rash will go way, but then he said the doctor asked that we rub the ointment on ourselves as well, as there is a chance we'll get infected too. Obviously we were furious, but there was no other choice – we all got naked and rubbed the ointment on eachother for several days as after every night of sleeping we were supposed to toss our pyjamas to the can". Kind regards, Ra'anan
26 July 2011 - Israel
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